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Day League – DeKalb Rape Crisis Center 

Day League is a non-profit agency that provides direct services, prevention education, and advocacy for youth and adult survivors of sexual assault, as well as their families and the community as a whole. Day League ensures survivors of sexual violence will form a new beginning that helps survivors find strength and thrive after their ordeal. 


Dekalb Rape Crisis Center (DRCC) was established in 1989, to combat the effects of rape and sexual assault through empowering survivors and educating the community. DRCC has become a safe place for survivors to find support throughout their journey.

Individual Therapy
24 Hr. Crisis Hotline
Medical Accompaniment
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program
Therapy Support Groups
core values
Serve & Empower
Help & Facilitate
Create a Vibrant Community
Event Sponsors
DeKalb Chamber of Commerce BLK_Logo.png
BTS dekalb county ga.png
georgia pacific logo_edited.png
Goodwill Logo grayscale.png
Proudly Sponsored By Super District 7 Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson
and the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce

©2022 Created by Johnson Consulting Group, LLC

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